News and Events


Earl McDaniel: Bike Across America

Community Room located in the Springboro Public Library located at 125 Park Lane, Springboro, OH.

Earl McDaniel cycled 3,642 miles in 38 days while traveling through parts of 18 states to cross the United States on bicycle. The trip allowed Earl and his father, who drove his support vehicle, to see the country on a personal level. Together they faced the challenges of maneuvering through city traffic, climbing mountains, getting lost, and having the support van totaled in a deer strike. Come experience how years of planning and training paid off on a trail from the California to Rhode Island on two wheels. Earl McDaniel is an avid cyclist, having completed at least one century ride per month for the past 7 years, and member of the Five Rivers MetroParks volunteer patrol program.

Earl’s 90-minute program will provide plenty of opportunities for questions about his trek.


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