News and Events


Lights on Bikes Night

Visibility is critical for cycling safety, especially for those who use their bike for transportation and ride at dawn, dusk and at night. Lights on Bikes Night is FREE bike light installation night for those adults who do not have a front and rear bike light. The event is a collaboration between the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC)’s Rideshare Program and Bike Miami Valley’s Bike Dayton Chapter. Lights are provided by MVRPC’s Rideshare Program.

Adults in need of lights must bring their bikes to the location listed below and volunteers will install a set of lights on their bike. 

Friday, November 3rd 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Gem City Market - 324 Salem Ave, Dayton, OH 45406
(Distribution will occur before Dayton Bike Meet ride)

The Rideshare Program is a free service from MVRPC for those who work, live or go to college in Montgomery, Greene, Miami, Preble, Darke and Clinton Counties. MVRPC’s Rideshare Program partners with a statewide commute solutions platform, Gohio Commute to offer smarter ways to improve your commute including bike route mapping and matching to form bike pools. Learn more about the benefits of bike commuting and how to get started at

Event Date: 
Friday, November 3, 2023 - 5:00pm


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