Hub-and-Spoke Bike Touring

The Miami Valley Trails in their current stage of development offer a pair of linked Trail "hubs" and numerous "spokes" to explore. The hubs are in Xenia and Dayton. The spokes stretch out from those hubs across ten counties and over 330 miles of trails. A potential visitor from out of state recently asked for some assistance in planning a bike touring trip along the Miami Valley Trails. These visitors set pretty specific parameters: they only wanted to ride on trails - paved separated trails. They did not want to ride on roads, sharing space with motor traffic. And they wanted to ride about 30 miles per day - give or take. Here are two itineraries we worked out for them to consider.


This itinerary has just two bases for overnight stays - the hub cities of Dayton and Xenia. Each day involves an out-and-back trip in a different direction.

Day Start Location Route/Distance Stops Along the Way Side Excursions? End Location
1 Dayton Head north on the Great Miami River Trail to Tipp City, then return to Dayton by same route – 32.8 miles total Taylorsville MetroPark   Dayton
2 Dayton Head south on the Great Miami River Trail to Miamisburg, then return by the same route – 26.6 miles total West Carrollton, Carillon Park Opossum Creek MetroPark Dayton
3 Dayton Head east on the Mad River Trail to the National Museum of the US Air Force, Huffman Flying Field and then backtrack to the Creekside Trail to Xenia – 29.3 miles total Beavercreek Iron Horse Trail Xenia

After these three days, the tour sets a new base in Xenia for additional day trips:

Day Start Location Route/Distance Stops Along the Way Side Excursions? End Location
4 Xenia Head south on the Little Miami Scenic Trail from Xenia Station to Corwin/Waynesville, then head back on same route – 28.2 miles total Spring Valley   Xenia
5 Xenia Head east on the Ohio-to-Erie Trail to South Charleston, and return on the same route – 38 miles total. Cedarville   Xenia
6 Xenia Head north on the Little Miami Scenic Trail to Springfield, and return by the same route - 40 miles total Yellow Springs   Xenia
7 Xenia Ride west from Xenia to Dayton on the Creekside and Mad River Trails – 18.9 miles   Iron Horse Trail Dayton

End of Itinerary.


This itinerary uses a different stopping point each day, so careful lodging planning will be required.

Day Start Location Route/Distance Stops Along the Way Side Excursions? End Location
1 Dayton Head north on the Great Miami River Trail to Piqua – 33.2 miles Troy   Piqua
2 Piqua Head south on the Great Miami River Trail From Piqua to Dayton – 33.2 miles Tipp City   Dayton
3 Dayton Head south on the Great Miami River Trail to Middletown, OH – 28 miles Franklin Opossum Creek MetroPark Middletown
4 Middletown

Ride north on the Great Miami River Trail to Dayton – 28 miles

Miamisburg Medlar Conservation Area Dayton
5 Dayton Head east on the Mad River Trail to the National Museum of the US Air Force, Huffman Flying Field and then backtrack to the Creekside Trail to Xenia – 29.3 miles total Beavercreek Iron Horse Trail Xenia
6 Xenia Head north on the Little Miami Scenic Trail/Simon Kenton Trail to Urbana, OH – 35.2 miles Springfield Buck Creek Trail Urbana
7 Urbana

Ride south on the Simon Kenton Trail/Little Miami Scenic Trail to Yellow Springs – 25 miles

Springfield Buck Creek Trail Yellow Springs
8 Yellow Springs Ride south on the Little Miami Scenic Trail and then west on the Creekside Trail and Mad River Trail to Dayton - 26 miles Xenia, Great Council State Park (opening 2024) Ohio to Erie Trail, Xenia-Jamestown Connector, Little Miami Scenic Trail south Dayton

End of Itinerary


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